Jouhar Manik Ngeblog Lagi

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012


بِسْــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْـــــمِ


Sometimes we are wrong in judging a man by good works. Basically it's a good man lies in his religion. Many of them think it must keep close track of a religious man ust, mosque imams, religious students and for instance.
Actually the case is also not true. Bustling among the religious scholars who often beat his wife, is rude, not very good at serving their wives and so on. So this is also not the characteristics of a good man as described by the Prophet. Good and religious man who was to have its own.
SOLEH can be defined as a man of Muslim faith (believers), net of zahir and the inner side, take a clean and halal food (not from illicit sources).
Always tried to distance himself from the case which will lead to vice and pulled him into a deep ravine HELL. Is a man who is always obedient to Allah SWT. and his apostle even where they are.
Our own (Female / Male) must realize that human beings are not perfect, there are errors made intentionally or not will but come back and beg forgiveness of Allah SWT
If you are a woman, find a man who has these qualities – If you are a man, be a man who has these qualities.
  • Strong religious practice. Keeping the obligatory prayers, and often congregational prayers at the beginning of time. Has always maintained his private parts and wear decent clothes. These properties may be viewed primarily as meeting
  • moral good, that is a firm-looking, but it is actually a gentle man. His words also must be polite, and cloning represents a noble heart.
  • Firmly maintaining his self-Teak, not been to the places that can drop the name of it.
  • Amanah, do not neglect the task given and do not abuse the power and position.
  • Not extravagant, but not stingy. Understand the use of money for purposes that are beneficial to the wise.
  • Maintain eye does not see another woman passing by when conversing.
  • Relationships are limited, do not practice the way of free life, although he knew he could do so.
  • Having a good social friend, partner relationships are usually the same person.
  • Responsible, Look at him with his family and his mother's father.
  • The face is calm, Seen from the manner of speaking, and currently works in an Anxious.
  • If dealing with a problem, no easy and quick to anger cursed because of what the devil do not like the man with his patience. So try to be patient and continue to be patient, God willing give peace.
  • Able to listen to reason and reproof, which on the contrary that there is to know the truth and as a guide for self-repair themselves for the better.
These properties may be practiced by us all men who seek pleasure of Allah.
For women who are looking for a partner who Solehah pious, you try to look at properties which are summarized above in every man you know. If these qualities in them. Although, however, should not all of the above properties are met, if only there were sufficient properties 5-6. Humans may change sometime in the future.
God willing the good qualities that others will catch up with effort and patience to achieve it.
The Prophet said:
Marry someone because of heredity, facial, property and religion, the best is his religion

Criteria Criteria For Men- Solehah Intended By Al Quran And Hadiths
1.       Always obey Allah and Muhammad Rasullulah
2.       Jihad is a declaration and program Fisabilillah life.
3.       Martyrdom is the supreme goal of life goals.
4.       Patience in the face of the test and trial from Allah swt.
5.       Sincere in charity.
6.       Village next to the main purpose of his life.
7.       Very afraid of Allah swt test. and threats.
8.       Always seek forgiveness for his sins.
9.       Ascetic in the world but do not leave.
10.   Evening prayer becomes habit.
11.   Tawakal completely to Allah Ta'ala and not complain except to Allah swt
12.   Berinfaq always in a state or a narrow field.
13.   Applying the value of compassion and ukhwah fellow believers among them.
14.   Very strong and commanding maaruf munkarnya nahi.
15.   Very strong holding trust, promises and secrets.
16.   Forgiving and gracefully in the face of human folly, constantly correcting each other brother and fellow full tawadhu to God Almighty.
17.     Compassion and understanding to the family.

1. making a living
      The task of making a living is charged to the men since its creation in the form of excess in physical strength and sense his thoughts. The man was able to work hard for a living, provide protection and defense of life, especially to family, religion, nation and religion. This is why he was named a leader for women.

       Jihad is the most important charity and the peak height of Islam. None of the pious deeds can compare to the Jihad. Not at all pious people feel afraid and scared when the fight to establish the religion of Allah otherwise sentiasa smiling proud to be a servant of God with the most beautiful titles which the Mujahideen.

3. PROTECT AND DEFEND THE weak and oppressed
      I should have lately infidel group is always looking for opportunities to oppress and conquer nations and peoples of Islam. Pious people who should be sensitive and willing to act back to the Muslim people will not be bullied by his authority by arbitrary classes.

      Teach and guide in a good way so the kids / wife who is pious / Solehah aware of the mistake and replace a child's way of life / wife pious / Solehah. Educate children / wife wisely so that he realizes the true meaning and willing to change it.

Words of the Prophet:
     "The best among you is the best person to his wife, and I am the best among you to my wife." ... (HR Ibnu Majah)

      Messenger role models in family life: The state of him as a husband and father. His habit in the middle of family life. His love for his wife and children.

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

5 monkeys

In a study conducted by professors in the USA, there are two monkeys who put in an empty room together. We call it the monkey Monkey A and B. In the room there is a pole, and above the pole appears to couple ripe bananas. What will be done by two monkeys is do you think?
After familiarize themselves with the state of the environment in the room, they began trying to reach the bananas are. A monkey who at first tried to climb the pole. A monkey once in the middle of the pole, the professor squirt water at him, so terpleset and fall. A monkey tried again, and sprayed, dropped again, so many times until finally a surrender monkey.Monkey B, which was next tried, experienced a similar incident, and eventually gave up as well.
Next to the room included a monkey C. Interestingly, the professors will no longer spray the monkeys if they go up. Once the monkey C begin to touch the pole, he was immediately drawn by monkeys A and B. They are trying to prevent, so that C does not have a monkey `misfortune 'like them. Because prevented continued and given advice about the dangers when trying to climb upward, finally scared monkeys C and never climb again.
The next step is carried out by professors is issued monkeys A and B, and include monkeys D and E. Just like the previous monkeys, monkeys D and E are also interested in the banana on the pole and tried to climb. Monkey C prevents both spontaneous direct order not to ride. "Hey, why we should not go up?" Protested both ".
There were friends who told me, that rises to the top is dangerous. I also do not know, what's above, but better play it safe, do not up deh "explains monkey C.

Monkey D believe and dare not go up, but not so with monkey E, which are obstinate. 
"I want to know, like what is the danger, which is above ... And if there is danger, do not cook so I can avoid it?" Said the monkey E. Although it has been prevented by monkeys C and D, E monkeys desperate ride . And because it was not sprayed again, monkey banana E can achieve the desired .

Which of the above character which describes your current behavior?
Characters A and B are the people who have done something, and failed. 
Therefore they are cured, will not repeat it again, and tried to teach others about the failures. They do not want other people also fail to like them.

Character C and D, is the person who receives guidance from others, what things not to do, and they obeyed without daring to try it for yourself. Character E is the type of people that are not easy to believe in something, before they try it themselves. They also dared to oppose the flow and risk provided that can achieve their wishes.

Banana in the story above illustrates our dreams. Every person in this life have high dreams about his future. But unfortunately, a lot of things that are happening around us, causing our dreams buried.

The people with the characters ABCD will tell us things like this, "Please, do not do the work in vain like that. Gratuitous. I had already been done many times and failed. As a good friend, I do not want you to fail like me "or perhaps the phrase" You're going to fail like the X ... better do something that would definitely be-deh ". Are not things like that that we often hear everyday?

People with character E will always think optimistically in running things. "Even if others fail to do something, I also will not necessarily fail" is a force that is always pumping his motivation. And failures of others can be learned and used as a springboard to move better, rather than used as a fear.

Well, I'll give one more illustration. I'll take you to the 70's. What would you do if one day there was a college student in jeans, thick glasses, geeky-looking, shabby clothes, came to see you and say "I've got a good product, but I do not have the capital. I would not pinjamin capital 100 dollars? If the product is successful, we're both going to be the richest man in the world you know ".

Almost all students will insult and laugh at TSB, maybe even consider gila.Berapa people who will say "Wow, very good, try to explain what your plans, so that we can be equally rich?" Perhaps one man among a million, may not exist .

What if I told you that the student is Bill Gates, who has already achieved his dream of becoming the richest man in the world?

Is not that Bill Gates had done early in his career. Surrounded by the type ABCD, rejected, abused, and various other insults. Fortunately, Bill Gates, including people with the character of E. And with the sacrifice and hard work, he managed to achieve their dreams.
"Do not let anyone kill your dreams. Go ahead, confront all obstacles and achieve your dreams."

source :

Mother's Love

When you were 16 years old, she taught you to drive her car.
In return, you use the car every chance regardless of his interests.

When you were 17 years old, he was expecting an important call.
In return, you use the phone all night nonstop.

When you were 18 years old, she cried when you graduate high school.
In return, you're partying with friends until morning.

When you were 19 years old, she paid for college tuition, drove you to campus on the first day.
In return, you're asked to be away from the gate so you're not embarrassed in front of your friends.

When you were 20 years old, she asked, "where have all day?"
In return, you replied, "Mother talkative, nosy!"

when you were 21 years old, he suggests a good job for your career future. In return, you say, "i do not want to be like mom."

when you were 22 years old, she hugged you when you graduated college.
In return, you ask him when you get to bali.

When you were 23 years old, she bought a set of furniture for your new home.
In return, you tell your friends it was ugly.

When you were 24 years old, she met your fiance and asked about his plans for the future.
In return, you were complaining, "how did this mother, asking questions like that?"

when you were 25 years old, he mambantumu finance the wedding.
In return, you move to another city a distance of more than 500 km.

When you were 30 years old, she gave some advice on the baby. In return, you tell her, "mom, now its time was different!"

when you were 40 years old, he was called to a birthday party one of his relatives. In return, you replied, "mom, i'm awfully busy, no time."

when you were 50 years old, he was sickly and require my services.
In return, you read about the negative influence of parents who stay at home children.

And until one day, he died peacefully. And suddenly you remembered everything you never did, because they come to hit you like a sledgehammer heart.


Submitted by : unknown

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Angka 8

A. Tipografi numerologi Angka 8
perhatikan baik2 angka ini:
secara tipografi, angka ini indah sekali bukan? bandingkan dengan angka
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 0
angka 8 adalah angka yang sangat unik bentuknya. Dia terbentuk dari sebuah tarikan garis yang tak terputus. Angka NOL juga siiih, tapi liat deh, angka 8 itu begitu estetis membentuk rangkaian lengkung yang begitu anggun dan tidak se-membosankan angka Nol yang cuman berbentuk satu buletan doang. Bandingkan dengan angka2 lainnya.. mereka terbentuk dari satu garis putus, dan bahkan 2 garis waktu kita tulis. Bentuk angka 8 juga amat sangat konsisten, dia tetap akan terlihat sama dilihat dari sudut manapun. Bolak balik, kanan kiri, atas bawah, bentuknya bakal tetep sama, gak kayak angka 6 dan 9 yang plin-plan, atau angka2 lain yang bakal berubah bentuk dan gak konsisten (angka Nol juga siiiiih, tapi angka 0 itu membosankan!)

B. Angka 8 Feng Shui
Banyak orang setuju bahwa huruf memiliki arti bahkan doa. Itulah sebabnya kita dianjurkan memberikan nama yang baik pada anak. Lalu bagaimana dengan angka? angka bagi sebagian orang tidak bermakna apapun. Namum dalam dunia Feng Shui, angka memiliki makna yang khusus dan memiliki pengaruh dalam kehidupan manusia.

1. Angka 1 atau disebut Bintang uang, adalah angka yang selalu menguntungkan. 1 juga adalah angka air yang diartikan sebagai uang dalam dunia feng shui. Di bawah bintang terbang ini bisa menguntungkan kalau bergerak ke tenggara. Namun berbahaya kalau bergerak ke selatan bisa mengindikasikan kematian muda kalau terjadi kesalahan pengobatan feng shui.

2. Angka 2 atau disebut Bintang penyakit, adalah angka yang membawa penyakit. Dalam feng shui bintang tebang angka ini akan membawa kemajuan di bidang militer namun juga menciptakan duda atau janda muda dan membawa penyakit yang sangat serius.

3. Angka 3 atau disebut Bintang cekcok, adalah bintang yang membawa perkelahian, cekcok, kecelakaan. Bintang ini adalah bintang yang membawa ketidak harmonisan dalam feng shui bintang terbang.

4. Angka 4 atau disebut Bintang seksi, angka ini adalah angka puitis dan romantis. Memajukan pendidikan, karya tulis. Bintang ini disebut juga dead star tidak terlalu menguntungkan pada periode 8 dan 9 yang akan datang. Dalam feng shui bintang terbang angka 4 menciptakan stress pada mental. Lumayan kalau bergabung dengan white star. Tapi membuat pertumbuhan dalam hubungan percintaan kalau terbang ke barat daya.

5. Angka 5 atau disebut Bintang jahat. Bintang yang tidak menguntungkan setiap orang. Angka yang paling susah dikombinasikan. Membawa pengaruh jahat. Membawa gangguan penyakit. Kemanapun muncul dalam feng shui terbang angka ini selalu diperangi. Bintang ini kalau muncul bersamaan dalam bagan tahunan dan bulanan betul-betul menciptakan kecelakaan fatal.

6. Angka 6 atau disebut Bintang surga. 6 keberuntungan dari langit julukan angka ini. Walaupun termasuk angka yang membawa keberuntungan memudar kalau muncul sendiri, angka ini tetap pavorit bagi praktisi feng shui. Karena 6 berarti juga emas, keberuntungan dan kaya.

7. Angka 7 atau disebut Bintang kekerasan. Ini keberuntungan masa lalu dan kemunculannya pada periode 8 sungguh tidak menyenagkan karena 7 juga berarti kekasaran dan perampokan. Atau keberuntungan masa silam.

8. Angka 8 atau disebut Bintang kekayaan ini adalah salah satu white star yang membawa keberuntungan special kalau angka ini muncul pada periode sekarang ini. Selalu membawa keberuntungan ekstra dimanapun angka ini muncul.

Angka 8 adalah angka periode sekarang ini. Praktisi feng shui bintang terbang mengetahui bahwa angka 8 ini adalah angka yang paling menguntungkan untuk periode 8. Angka 8 adalah angka keberuntungan sekarang dan sampai tahun Februari tahun 2024. Dunia bisnis memakai angka ini sebagai akhiran nomer rekening bank, nomer plat kendaraan, nomer rumah, nomer telepon, dan segala bentuk yang menggunakan nomer. Nomer 8 ini disebut juga white star dari 3 angka white star. Dua angka lainnya adalah angka 1 dan 6. Jadi kombinasi angka 1, 6 dan 8 adalah angka-angka keberuntungan periode ini.

Di rumah membuat kolam air berbentuk angka 8 juga akan sangat menguntungkan. Angka 8 adalah angka yang paling kuat di antara angka yang mewakili unsur tanah. Angka lainnya 2 dan 5. Namun disarankan untuk tidak membuat kombinasi dengan 2 dan 5. Buatlah lukisan, perhiasan dengan menggunakan bentuk angka 8 ini. Angka 8 juga dianggap lambang infinity atau angka yang tak pernah berakhir. Keberuntungan tiada akhir. Gunakan figure 8 ini semaunya karena ini akan memberikan keberuntungan ekstra.

9. Angka 9 atau disebut Bintang ganda, adalah angka yang menunjukkan keberuntungan masa depan. Angka ini selalu menggandakan pasangannya. Baik itu buruk atau bagus. Namun masih Favorit untuk digabungkan dengan white star. Jadi sekarang kita tahu kenapa banyak sekali plat kendaraan adalah 168, 888 dan lain-lain.

C. Istimewa Angka 8
Apa yang istimewa dengan 888? Banyak yang bilang kalo ini adalah angka sempurna walaupun sebenarnya semua angka itu bagus juga sih. Bahkan Olimpiade Beijing dipaksakan untuk dimulai hari 8 Agustus 2008 (08-08-08), jam 08:08:08. Pokoknya serba 8 deh.

Dalam tradisi Tionghoa, angka 8 merupakan pertanda rejeki nomplok. Sedangkan di Jepang angka 8 merupakan pertanda keberuntungan. Tapi kalo menurut primbon Indonesia angka 8 justru punya arti sebaliknya, angka 8: angka yang janggal dan sukar... so pusing deh.

Bagaimana kita menanggapinya? Sebenarnya tak ada yang istimewa dengan angka tertentu. Ini hanya semacam sugesti dan banyak juga orang yang percaya tentang mitos angka 8 ini.

Tapi pastinya angka jangan dijadikan suatu kepercayaan. Boleh sekedar suka dengan angka tertentu tapi jangan sampai memuja-muji angka. Misalnya kita suka dengan angka 8 dan memilih t-shirt yang punya gambar angka 8, it's OK. Pemain bola misalnya sangat suka memilih kostum dengan nomer 8 (biasanya dipakai sama midfielder ya CMIIW) Seperti sebelumnya jangan mengagungkan angka-angka tertentu ya... karena hanya satu yang pantas untuk diagungkan, TUHAN.

D. Angka 8 Dalam Kehidupan
Hidup di dunia dapat saya simbolkan dengan angka 8. angka 8 di samping mempunyai 2 bagian utama yang hampir sama besar, yaitu bagian atas dan bagian bawah. bagian atas sengaja saya beri lingkaran putih di tengah sedang yang di bawah saya beri linkaran hitam. ini untuk menyimbolkan 2 keadaan yang berbeda. baik dan buruk, semangat dan malas, positif dan negatif, dan keadaan keadaan lainnya.

Hukum pertama dari simbol angka 8 adalah kita sebagai manusia hanya akan selalu berada di salah satu lingkaran atas atau bawah saja. kalo kita sedang di bawah maka tidak mungkin kita berada di atas dan begitu sebaliknya. Hukum yang kedua adalah berlakunya kelembaman dalam setiap lingkaran. jika kita sedang berada di lingkaran atas maka kita akan dengan sendirinya berada di atas kecuali ada gaya luar yang akan menarik kita turun ke lingkaran bawah. begitu juga ketika kita ada di lingkaran bawah maka kita akan merasa nyaman di lingkaran bawah jika tidak ada sesuatu yang bisa menarik kita ke atas.

Hukum ketiga yang juga berlaku adalah hukum gravitasi. hukum ini ingin menegaskan jika sesuatu yang berada di atas akan dengan sendirinya jatuh ke bawah jika tidak ada gaya yang bisa mengimbanginya. tetapi yang ada di bawah mustahil akan naik dengan sendirinya tanpa bantuan gaya tarik dari atas.

Mari kita renungkan. saat kita sedang dalam keadaan giat belajar maka kita akan semakin giat dan giat belajar. ketika kita malas maka kita akan semakin malas dan malas. ketika kita sedang berbuat baik maka kita akan berusaha berbuat baik yang lain. begitu juga ketika kita sedang berbuat jahat maka akan muncul kejahatan yang lain. Dari giat belajar kita akan dengan sendirinya menjadi malas dengan berjalannya waktu jika kita tidak menjaganya. tetapi jika kita dalam kondisi malas maka kita agak susah untuk otomatis jadi rajin belajar.

Semakin lama kita dalam suatu lingkaran maka gaya kelembamannya akan semakin kuat. gaya inilah yang akan menjaga kita selalu dalam lingkaran. jadi jika kita ingin selalu dalam lingkaran yang di atas atau lingkaran baik maka pastikan diri kita selalu dalam lingkaran itu. jangan sekali kali mecoba turun ke lingkaran bawah karena akan mereset gaya kelembaman tadi. jika gaya sudah direset kita akan memerlukan gaya lebih besar untuk kembali ke lintasan atas lagi.

by : insicoico

Configuring Mobile Hotspot Wireless Tethering Android Samsung Galaxy Mini

Without us knowing that a Samsung Galaxy Mini can already configure as Access Point.Here's how to configure Mobile Wireless Tethering Android Galaxy Mini SamsungGT-S5570, in order to be a Wireless HotSpot / Access Point. By utilizing this feature, we nolonger need to use a USB 3G modem that we have and not need to replace Simcard cardsas well as more practical use of such uses WiFi HotSpot Access Point in general. Step One: We go to the menu Settings / Settings.

Second:  We go to the Wireless and Networking.

Third: Go to the Mobile Network menu, we first switch the packet data / internet (accordingto the services we use from Simcard Telco provider).

Fourth: Activate / checkmark Service Pack data.

Fifth: In commemoration use of the data packet will be no confirmation as below. Then select OK.

Sixth: Data Package is already active.

Sixth: Next we go to the Tethering & Portable HotSpot. If you do not already haveAndroid this menu, you can download and install the application it from here: 

Seventh: Then we go to the Configuration menu Mobile AP.

Eighth: Then we do the settings in Android WIFI System we are the same as if we'resetting up the Access Point in general. Specify the name of the SSID, Type Security /Security and Password, then select Save menu and then we have a Mobile Access Pointor Portable HotSpot.

Ninth: Make sure the sign on the Mobile Check Checkmark or AP like the image below asPortable Hotspot a sign that we have been active.

Tenth: Exit the Settings menu and the display appears as shown below.

Eleventh: Next we Wifi Scan around us and we try to connect our laptop to the PortableHotspot that we have made earlier by the name AndroidAP-007.

In addition to functioning as an Access Point, Galaxy Mini Samsung GT-S5570 can also function as a DHCP server so that the Client PC or laptop connected to the Access Pointwill obtain an IP Address Automatically. But we can also manually set the IP address of hissuit our needs, IP Address AP serves as the Gateway and DNS Server are as follows:
Device IP Address:
IP Gateway:
DNS Server IP:

By using the Galaxy Mini Samsung GT-S5570, we now no longer bother to use a modemfor Internet connection. Mobile we can already positioned as a Hotspot Access Point isconnected to the Laptop / Computer

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Android Secret Code: 3G Only

Android has a setting to force only use 2G to save battery, but do not always have a settingto force the use of 3G data channel to speed up data. So the only option that gives a chance only if you selected 2G and 2G Preferred otherwise.But thankfully Android provides a special code for a hidden setting that can force 3G only.
1. enter *#*#4636#*#* in phone dialer

2. select phone information

3. Preferred sets the network type to WCDMA change the default settings only

4. A few moments later notification data signal changes from 2G/EDGE to 3G or HSPDA if available

Testing this page on samsung spica with Éclair already on rooting. Users also havemenkonfirm nexus one that is also there. So I think there is in almost all the android phone.

Fixie bikes

fixie bike synonymous with minimalist style, cheap and not complicated. fixie bike does not havebrakes, pedals keep spinning the wheel during mengelinding. That bike was a trend among the young to the workers. Using bicycles not only as a means of transportation, but for thelifestyle. Building a fixie bike arguably easy easy difficult, matters so much and somecomponents can be combined with racing bike components. Fixie bikes only more simple,like the young with its own style so that it can make the bike as they pleased.

uniqueness fixie bike?

This style of your bike, the problem of the color of the taste. Component of bike fixie this year has been very plentiful and inexpensive. Want to change their tires with a red color is fine, or yellow milk also exist, or create a bike with a white color it also.
Affairs of the frame, the frame type assemblies when buying more exciting. Purchase a plain frame and in the paint at will the owner.
Fixie wheels or Rim, various models have the same shape although round but there aresome wheels made thicker. Color from black and white has a lot of the market.
Stang Affairs Fixie bikes are also unique. Made shorter so that it can slip between thecongestion of vehicles. Want to retain the old bike handlebar or handlebar will do.
The most cool with fixie bike, this bike can back and forth at will. Encouraged to forward orbackward boosted the bike going backwards. Understandably these bikes generally use the back teeth fixed gear or gear type fixed.
To be sure, because it follows the minimalist style. Honda is lighter. Average weight of not more than 11kg, there is even much lighter.

why bike fixie rage?
because fixie tricks used to do cool tricks that no other bike can be done.

A bike with a basic form of the captured frame of the bike racing, but there aremodifications in some parts. As in the rear and front gear is replaced by using the single speed.

Unlike the bike that we usually encounter, in which the gear mechanism using Free Wheel,this one uses bike Fixed gear (overdrive patent / off) on the rear axle is bolted directly to therear wheels. That way, if the spinning bicycle wheel, the pedals will continue to spin and can not be arrested. Not surprisingly, this bike can also be executed because of the way backdown.

Braking is also unique! You see, this one does not have a bicycle brake cable that connects the front and rear brakes with brake lever on the handlebars. And not also use the modelTorpedo brake by pushing the brake pedal to the rear. The usual tricks like this with the flywheel, which is driving the retreat.

Meanwhile, the uniqueness also occurs in the type used on a bicycle handlebars fixie.Although derived from racing bikes, the handlebars instead of a stylized horn sheep. Butusing the straight handlebars are cut shorter. That way, the riders will be easier to enter indense city traffic.

That bike fixie

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