Jouhar Manik Ngeblog Lagi

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012


بِسْــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْـــــمِ


Sometimes we are wrong in judging a man by good works. Basically it's a good man lies in his religion. Many of them think it must keep close track of a religious man ust, mosque imams, religious students and for instance.
Actually the case is also not true. Bustling among the religious scholars who often beat his wife, is rude, not very good at serving their wives and so on. So this is also not the characteristics of a good man as described by the Prophet. Good and religious man who was to have its own.
SOLEH can be defined as a man of Muslim faith (believers), net of zahir and the inner side, take a clean and halal food (not from illicit sources).
Always tried to distance himself from the case which will lead to vice and pulled him into a deep ravine HELL. Is a man who is always obedient to Allah SWT. and his apostle even where they are.
Our own (Female / Male) must realize that human beings are not perfect, there are errors made intentionally or not will but come back and beg forgiveness of Allah SWT
If you are a woman, find a man who has these qualities – If you are a man, be a man who has these qualities.
  • Strong religious practice. Keeping the obligatory prayers, and often congregational prayers at the beginning of time. Has always maintained his private parts and wear decent clothes. These properties may be viewed primarily as meeting
  • moral good, that is a firm-looking, but it is actually a gentle man. His words also must be polite, and cloning represents a noble heart.
  • Firmly maintaining his self-Teak, not been to the places that can drop the name of it.
  • Amanah, do not neglect the task given and do not abuse the power and position.
  • Not extravagant, but not stingy. Understand the use of money for purposes that are beneficial to the wise.
  • Maintain eye does not see another woman passing by when conversing.
  • Relationships are limited, do not practice the way of free life, although he knew he could do so.
  • Having a good social friend, partner relationships are usually the same person.
  • Responsible, Look at him with his family and his mother's father.
  • The face is calm, Seen from the manner of speaking, and currently works in an Anxious.
  • If dealing with a problem, no easy and quick to anger cursed because of what the devil do not like the man with his patience. So try to be patient and continue to be patient, God willing give peace.
  • Able to listen to reason and reproof, which on the contrary that there is to know the truth and as a guide for self-repair themselves for the better.
These properties may be practiced by us all men who seek pleasure of Allah.
For women who are looking for a partner who Solehah pious, you try to look at properties which are summarized above in every man you know. If these qualities in them. Although, however, should not all of the above properties are met, if only there were sufficient properties 5-6. Humans may change sometime in the future.
God willing the good qualities that others will catch up with effort and patience to achieve it.
The Prophet said:
Marry someone because of heredity, facial, property and religion, the best is his religion

Criteria Criteria For Men- Solehah Intended By Al Quran And Hadiths
1.       Always obey Allah and Muhammad Rasullulah
2.       Jihad is a declaration and program Fisabilillah life.
3.       Martyrdom is the supreme goal of life goals.
4.       Patience in the face of the test and trial from Allah swt.
5.       Sincere in charity.
6.       Village next to the main purpose of his life.
7.       Very afraid of Allah swt test. and threats.
8.       Always seek forgiveness for his sins.
9.       Ascetic in the world but do not leave.
10.   Evening prayer becomes habit.
11.   Tawakal completely to Allah Ta'ala and not complain except to Allah swt
12.   Berinfaq always in a state or a narrow field.
13.   Applying the value of compassion and ukhwah fellow believers among them.
14.   Very strong and commanding maaruf munkarnya nahi.
15.   Very strong holding trust, promises and secrets.
16.   Forgiving and gracefully in the face of human folly, constantly correcting each other brother and fellow full tawadhu to God Almighty.
17.     Compassion and understanding to the family.

1. making a living
      The task of making a living is charged to the men since its creation in the form of excess in physical strength and sense his thoughts. The man was able to work hard for a living, provide protection and defense of life, especially to family, religion, nation and religion. This is why he was named a leader for women.

       Jihad is the most important charity and the peak height of Islam. None of the pious deeds can compare to the Jihad. Not at all pious people feel afraid and scared when the fight to establish the religion of Allah otherwise sentiasa smiling proud to be a servant of God with the most beautiful titles which the Mujahideen.

3. PROTECT AND DEFEND THE weak and oppressed
      I should have lately infidel group is always looking for opportunities to oppress and conquer nations and peoples of Islam. Pious people who should be sensitive and willing to act back to the Muslim people will not be bullied by his authority by arbitrary classes.

      Teach and guide in a good way so the kids / wife who is pious / Solehah aware of the mistake and replace a child's way of life / wife pious / Solehah. Educate children / wife wisely so that he realizes the true meaning and willing to change it.

Words of the Prophet:
     "The best among you is the best person to his wife, and I am the best among you to my wife." ... (HR Ibnu Majah)

      Messenger role models in family life: The state of him as a husband and father. His habit in the middle of family life. His love for his wife and children.

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